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>> Preliminary Inventories
Preliminary Inventory 123: Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel (Record Group 24)
by Virgil E. Baugh
Front Cover
Title Page
Table of Contents
General Records; Correspondence, 1850-1945
Logs of Ships and Stations, 1801-1946
Communication "Logs" and Other Records, 1897-1922
Muster Rolls, 1860-1956
Records Relating to Naval Officers, 1798-1940
Records Relating to Enlisted Men, 1846-1943
Records Relating to Naval Apprentices, 1838-97
Other General Records, 1861-1945
Records of the Office of Detail, 1865-90
Records of the Bureau of Equipment & Recruiting, 1856-1928
Records of the Divisions of the Bureau of Navigation, 1804-1946
Records of Other Organizations Attached to the Bureau of Navigation, 1869-1913
Records of Units of the Bureau of Naval Personnel and of the Naval Research Personnel Board
Appendix: Partial Subject Index to the General Correspondence
Back Cover
- Searching George Washington will find pages with George OR Washington (not necessarily both)
- Searching George +Washington will find pages with both George AND Washington
- Searching "George Washington" (including the quotes) will find pages with the exact phrase George Washington