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>> Preliminary Inventories
Preliminary Inventory 115: Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (Record Group 262)
by Walter W. Weinstein
Front Cover
Title Page
Table of Contents
Central Files
Records of the Office of the Director
Records of the Office of the Chief Editor
Records of the Analysis Division
Records of the Monitoring Division
Records of the News and Intelligence Division
Record of the Distribution Division; Broadcast Recording Unit
Records of the Field Offices
Appendix I: Classification Scheme for the General Records…Mail and Files Division
Appendix II: List of Radio Stations Under Which Transcripts Are Filed
Appendix III: List of Special Releases
Appendix IV: List of Special Reports Appearing in the Radio Reports on the Far East
Appendix V: List of Special Reports
Appendix VI: Subject-Numeric Classification Scheme for the General Records… News and Intelligence Div.
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