Elijah Paine
1. Elijah Paine was born 13 Sep 1724; died 1814, Williamsburg, MA; was buried , PE. Elijah — Mary White. Mary (daughter of Daniel White and Elizabeth White) was born 30 Aug 1729, Hatfield, MA; died 17 Apr 1804; was buried , PE. [Group Sheet]
- 2. Electa Paine
was born 1765; was buried , PE.
- 2. Electa Paine
Generation: 2
2. Electa Paine (1.Elijah1) was born 1765; was buried , PE.
Electa married Josiah Frost 11 Jan 1787. Josiah (son of Amasa Frost and Abigail Livermore) was born Mar 1763, Williamsburg, MA; died 3 May 1826, Marcellus, NY; was buried , PE. [Group Sheet]
- 3. Josiah Frost
was born 28 Jun 1791, Williamsburg, MA; died 21 Jul 1828, Camilius, NY; was buried , PE.
- 3. Josiah Frost
Generation: 3
3. Josiah Frost (2.Electa2, 1.Elijah1) was born 28 Jun 1791, Williamsburg, MA; died 21 Jul 1828, Camilius, NY; was buried , PE.
Josiah married Hannah Smith 20 Mar 1814. Hannah (daughter of Ithamar Smith) was born 17 Jun 1794; died May 1850, Pontiac, MI; was buried , PE. [Group Sheet]
- 4. Lucy Frost
died 23 Sep 1844; was buried , PE.
- 4. Lucy Frost
Generation: 4
4. Lucy Frost (3.Josiah3, 2.Electa2, 1.Elijah1) died 23 Sep 1844; was buried , PE.
Lucy married Edward W. Peck 26 Jun 1833. Edward (son of Watroug Peck and Betsy Ball) was born 19 Mar 1807, West Bloomfield, NY; was buried , PE. [Group Sheet]
- 5. Lucy Peck
was born 1834; died 31 Mar 1897, Detroit, MI; was buried , JE,PE.
- 5. Lucy Peck