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- Clarence A. Torrey, New ENG Marriages Prior to 1700
Melville, Henry, The Ancestry of John Whitney Who, with His Wife Elinor, and Sons John Richard, Nathaniel, Thomas and Jonathan, Emigrated from London, ENG, in the Year 1635, and Settled in Watertown, Mass. (NY: DeVinne Press, 1896)
Peirce, Frederick Clifton, Whitney, The Descendants of John Whitney, who came from London, ENG, to Watertown, Mass., in 1635 (Chicago: privately printed, 1895)
Born ca 1589. Came on "Elizabeth and Ann" 1635, Watertown (Mass.) 1 june 1673. Town clerk. Selectman. Descendants of John and Elinor Whitney 1890; tag 10:84 (caveat) Descendants of John Whitney who came from London 1895; Some more descendants of John and Elinor Whitney (pamphlet), 1941. Founders of Early American Families, page 352.