Susanah Mitchell
1627 - 1711 (83 years)
Generation: 1
1. Susanah Mitchell was born 14 Oct 1627 (daughter of Matthew Mitchell and Susanah Wood); died 1711; was buried , JE,QU. Susanah — John Howell. John (son of Edward Howell and Frances Paxton) was born 22 Nov 1624; died 1696, Southampton, LI, NY; was buried , JE,QU. [Group Sheet]
Children:- John Howell was born 28 Nov 1648, Southampton, LI, NY; died 8 Mar 1691/92, Southampton, LI, NY; was buried , QU.
- Mathew Howell was born 8 Nov 1651, Southampton, LI, NY; died 4 May 1706, Newton, LI, NY; was buried , JE.
2. Matthew Mitchell was born Abt 1590; died 1646, Stamford, CT; was buried , BA,BR,JE,QU. Matthew married Susanah Wood 16 Apr 1616. Susanah was buried , BA,BR,JE,QU. [Group Sheet]
3. Susanah Wood was buried , BA,BR,JE,QU. Children:
- William Mitchell died 1658, Charlestown, MA; was buried , BR.
- 1. Susanah Mitchell was born 14 Oct 1627; died 1711; was buried , JE,QU.
- Sarah Mitchell was born 14 Oct 1621, Souray, York, ENG; was buried , BA.